Experience a new way to shop
The convenience of shopping online with the experience of shopping in-store. Try on multiple sizes and styles in the comfort of your home without paying for the pieces upfront. Only pay for what you keep.
Choose from Standard or Next Day Delivery. Try on and return pieces within 5 days.

How It Works

Choose Your Pieces
Select Try Before You Buy at checkout.

Try At Home
Style with your wardrobe and decide which pieces to keep.

Send Off Any Returns
Return for free via our online portal.

Payment Taken
You will only be charged for the pieces you keep.
Concierge Service
Available in Greater LondonPieces brought to you by Cefinn-trained Style Concierge. Returns taken away instantly.

How It Works

Choose Your Pieces
Choose Try Before You Buy at checkout and select a 1-hour delivery slot.

Try At Home
You will have 40 minutes to try on and style with your wardrobe.

Opt-in For Style Assistance
Choose to have your Concierge accompany you or return back once you are ready.

You Pay, We Take Away
You will only be charged for the pieces you keep and any returns are taken away.
Hassle-free Payments & Returns
We do not charge for pieces upfront and there is no obligation to purchase. This is a credit-free service and as such there are no hidden fees or interest charges.
For the Try for 5 Days service, you will only pay the delivery fee when checking out. Your card will then be charged at the end of your 5 day try on period for any pieces that have not been returned. Making a return is easy via our Returns Portal.
For the Concierge Service, we will take secure payment via our mobile card reader at the end of your 40 minute appointment. Your Concierge will take any returns away with them.